We would like to express our appreciation for your contributions to NANO KOREA 2024.
Please kindly find the presentation instructions and other detailed information for your talk.
Oral Presentation
1) Presentation Method
- NANO KOREA 2024 Symposium kindly informs all oral presenters to deliver their presentations in person at the site.
- The length of the presentation should adhere to the assigned time as follows:
Invited Presentation: 30 min. including Q&A
Oral Presentation: 15 min. including Q&A
2) Presentation Materials
- The presenters are required to bring their presentation materials (Power Point Slides(.pptx) or PDF) written in English to the scheduled session.
- Note that the files are recommended to be in USB flash drives and preferred to be forwarded to the local staff. Files should be saved in the local PCs in the session room at least 15 minutes before the session.
- A computer for presentation will be prepared in session room. It is not recommended to switch to your own laptop computer (especially MacBook) unless your presentation requires any special software and/or hardware.
3) Young Scientist Award
- Only oral presenters who applied for the Young Scientist Award at the time of abstract submission will be evaluated.
- Each session chair will review the presentations. (The winners will be announced after symposium.)
Poster Presentation
1) Presentation Method
[General Poster Presenters/일반 포스터 발표자]
- Each presenters are required to bring their hard copied posters in advance, and attach it to the panel with their presentation code within the designated displaying time.
- 각 발표자는 포스터를 직접 출력하여, 본인 발표코드가 부착되어 있는 판넬에 정해진 시간(Displaying Time) 내에 부착해 주시기 바랍니다.
[Best Poster Applicants/ Best Poster 신청자]
- Each presenters are required to bring their hard copied posters in advance, and attach it to the panel with their presentation code. During the session, the judging for the 'Best Poster' selection will take place, so please stay next to your poster and be prepared to engage in the Q&A session earnestly.
- 각 발표자는 포스터를 직접 출력하여, 본인 발표코드가 부착되어 있는 판넬에 부착해 주시기 바라며, 세션이 진행되는 동안 ‘Best Poster’ 선정을 위한 심사가 진행되오니, 본인의 포스터 옆에 상주하여 질의응답 시간에 성실히 임해 주시기 바랍니다.
2) Presentation Materials
Poster Session Location |
1F Exhibition Hall 4,5
Poster Size |
- Panel Size: 1m(width) * 2.5m(height)
- Poster Size: A0 size = 84.1cm(width) * 118.9cm(height)
Poster Template |
- Each Poster should include the abstract title, authors, and affiliation. Download
Post Time |
Presentation Time |
Dismantling Time |
08:30 ~ 09:30 |
10:30 ~ 12:00 |
16:00 ~ 17:00 |
3) Best Poster Award
- Only presenters who applied for the Best Poster Award at the time of abstract submission will be evaluated.
- The candidate posters will be selected only among those applied ones, there will be a final review at the site during the symposium, so make sure that all candidate posters need to be presented onsite.