Full Paper Submission

Submission Period: August 31, 2024


  • Open Access, SCIE and SCOPUS indexed
  • Impact Factor (2023) = 13.4
  • Journal Rank in Categories

    - Physics, Applied (Q1, 93.6%)
    - Materials Science, Multidisciplinary (Q1, 92.6%)
    - Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (Q1, 90.4%)

  • Article Processing Charge(APC): £2190.00/$3090.00/€2490.00 for each article
    (plus VAT or local taxes where applicable.)

Nano Convergence (ISSN:2196-5404) is a peer-reviewed, open access, international and interdisciplinary research journal that focuses on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Submissions are solicited in all topical areas, ranging from fundamental sciences of physics and chemistry of nanoscale materials to practical applications of such materials including devices, energy applications and fabrication. Nano Convergence offers fast, constructive peer review and is a fully open-access journal, making all research results freely available online.
The journal levies an article-processing charge of £2190.00/$3090.00/€2490.00 for each article accepted for publication, plus VAT or local taxes where applicable.


  • The papers must be written on the basis of submitted abstract which is presented in the symposium.
  • The presentation number must be written in the cover letter or author’s comment.
  • The papers can be directly submitted through the online submission systems.

Review & Publication

  • All the papers will be peer-reviewed according to the editorial policy.
  • The detailed conditions can be found on the above or journal’s official website.
  • The payment of Article Processing Charge (APC) will be required before the final publication.
Contact for Inquiries
Korea Nanotechnology Research Society (KoNTRS)

E-mail paper@kontrs.or.kr | Tel +82-2-6925-4641